Tuesday 14 June 2011

Sex & Punctuation!

Back again. The boffins have finished copy editing Sons of Africa, but I’ve been scowled at by my editor for poor punctuation. Reminds me of a comment from my agent in ’84; ‘Your spelling and punctuation ain’t so hot, but your writing is superb! Yes, really!’
Still have the letter. Agents were great back then. Now they’re super-gods; unreachable, unbelievable and claim to know everything about books, even though most of them couldn’t write a half decent story if their lives depended on it. Anyway, talking about it winds me up so in the bin it goes.
My punctuation for the best part is being put right and I’m waiting to read through it all again; for the zillionth time. But it’s working. The story’s really coming alive; interesting, exciting, some factual stuff for the ‘red pen men’ to check out and even some naughty nookie, not over the top though – just enough to pluck at your sexual harp strings. Might not be enough for some, but sound effects, gynaecological details and multiple pages of multiple orgasms don’t do a lot to lure me in. Each to their own – we shall see...
Talk to you soon; back to editing.



  1. Too right Jeff...Too much of that sticky stuff can be a bit off at times....us decent chaps can do without that sort of thing..here here!
    Apart from that my pornograph got broken quite some time ago...

  2. Morning G... I shall reserve a place for you at Mudgee Celibates Club!
    ps. have you tried replacing your old pornograph with a digital version?

  3. Cant get digital ones here Jeff. Might try a set top box instead and see if that works.
