Saturday 11 June 2011

Exciting Times & Publication Loom!

The pressure’s on. Sons of Africa will soon be out there on Amazon, so from here on in my blogging’s going to be short and sweet. Editing is now the voracious master and I must adhere. There is no other way – put a poorly edited book out there at your peril; and yup, I’m nervous – would be lying if I said otherwise. So much has gone into this project. My need to give you a good, entertaining story is paramount. Will post short updates until Amazon gives me the good-to-go for a correct upload and then back to blogging for the sequel: Empress Gold. Thanks for making it this far. Hope you all stay with me...


  1. Our KIndle's are a twitching in anticipation Jeff! ...Break a leg mate. Really looking forward to reading 'Sons of Africa'!

  2. Thanks G - with all your in-house talent your bothering over my efforts is much welcomed. Hope my work 'sizes up to the job'.
    Go well.

  3. It needs to be out soon cause want a good book to read on holiday. Those publishers need to get a move on, there missing out on some record sales !! Some of us are still saving for these new kindle things so would prefer a hard copy.


  4. Hi Barney - good to see your interest - sell your bike and buy a Kindle! Safer and more informative; but not as exciting! Stay with my blog and will let the universe know when my book is live. Will be going the hard-copy route as well, but later.
    You take care.
