Saturday 16 July 2011

Old Africa - Another Glimpse!

Hi – a couple of posts ago I left you standing on the veranda of the old Birchenough Hotel; talked about old colonial-style furniture and eager dining room staff. What heady days they were and oh how much I miss them. Some of you may well remember the hand-cranked petrol pumps –two glass cylinders; one fills up while the other one empties?
I guess my being the hotel barman at sixteen would nowadays raise a few eyebrows, but I learned about life. Pouring drinks for thirsty travellers then waving them back on their way – usually with a slight wobble in their walk as well as their motor cars. We knew all the towns, villages and the distances between them. Even after thirty years away I still remember the time it took to reach them; the dips, bumps and twists in the road – can still hear the whine of tyres on hot tar. Nowadays, on those same roads it’s a case of ‘mind the potholes’ or at night, play the game of ‘let’s all drive without lights’ – saves on replacement lamps, I suppose. Guess that’s where the term, Dark Continent springs from...


  1. those were the days my friend. You've just had me staring into space for the last half hour remembering stuff while I absent mindedly patted Wookie my cat.

  2. Hi G - Nothing like a good stare into space. Good for the soul.
