Sunday 10 July 2011

A Never Ending Story!

Hi. Once you’re hooked, this writing thing never ends. Yes, I’m glad my first book is finished, but at the same time worried about the characters left behind. As I’ve already told you, the sequel, Empress Gold is well under way and some, though obviously not all the characters, have been rescued from Sons of Africa – those spared have aged some twenty years and are therefore portrayed as older and hopefully wiser, as one would expect. Hope they’re up to the adventure; gets pretty hectic in places. Zimbabwe has changed and not all for the better. Will drop out snippets as I go along, but not too many as to spoil the story for you. Lots of plausible action, good old-fashioned conflict and some seafaring stuff as well – just to sort of balance things out.

My prime objective is to take you there. Believe me when I say this one really works on the reader’s inner sense of adventure. When all is said and done, isn’t that why good books and comfy armchairs were invented? Without them, how would you get to Africa?



  1. Amen to that Jeff. Nothing like a comfy armchair and a good book. Only made better with a glass of wine, bikkies and cheese and a wife cooking you some fish & chips in a bikini!
    had to go to name only to make comment as again wont recognise my google account. wtf

  2. Hi G changed to a pop up window so give it a try.
