Sunday 16 January 2011

The Beginning

Twenty six years ago I bought a book that changed my life. I’m a Piscean; so a dreamer by nature and the said book really twisted my dream-dial to full power. Those of you who know me are already nodding your heads and hopefully, smiling – be that retrospectively. Anyway, the journey is a long one so best I get on with it...
For me, 1984 seemed as good a year as any for losing my job – crashing head-on whilst driving a company vehicle didn’t go down too well with my employer. Neither did driving in England on a Southern Rhodesian driver’s licence. So, albeit on friendly terms, yours truly was made redundant, relieved of his ‘micky-mouse’ licence and sent off to starve – preferably up some little known street where little known people such as me wouldn’t be noticed.
I wanted out. Nostalgia quickly turned to rampant homesickness for Africa and I fired up the Silver Reed typewriter...


  1. This is looking good Jeff. I hope 2011 is the year when your dreams start to come true. I am looking forward to reading it, (Hopefully a signed copy!)
    Love Joy x

  2. Know what you mean Jeff ..I got fired and sent out to starve when I crashed and wrote off the wife's car last March.
