Monday, 26 May 2014


Okay. Enough is enough. Time to get this show back on the road (how’s that for a mini burst of clichés!). Overly amazed, thrilled and well chuffed by all the interest still shown in my blog – so best I get to work.

Been flat-out on book number three; a tester of a story and an epic in progress. From a selfish point of view will rank, I’m sure, as one of my all-time favourites. It has it all; twists, turns and a fresh take on adventure, and judging by your interest given to Sons of Africa, this is definitely an upward step on the crumbling ladder of old Africa – though much, much bigger, bolder and thick with dastardly characters; vibrantly coloured, immense vistas, poignant and very definitely character driven. Can’t wait to get it out there. In short, the urge to take you back to old Africa is very strong.

Stay with me – will blog every week from here on in and will disclose some snippets as and when vanity gets the better of me.

Keep it social – talking holds the world together.

